04 junho 2010

The old blog, now for everyone

More than once people here in Macedonia have asked me why don't I write in my blog in English. It seems kind of an obvious thing to do, since I live abroad and the people that I share my days with don't speak Portuguese and might actually be interested in what I have to say about Macedonia. The answer is simple: the initial purpose of this blog was to share with my friends and family my views over a completely different country, people and culture (that might not be so different after all, but that's another story).

Well, after over a year of (very) irregular updates, I think that this might be the appropriate moment to take a turn and start writing also in English. Maintaining this page in Portuguese made things a bit easier for me, not only because it's my mother tongue but also because my (sometimes very critical) views over Macedonia and its politics were shadowed by an language un-understandable by most Macedonians. Writing in English will allow me to reach more people here and get a different kind of feedback. Since I'm a strong critic of the current government, especially in matters of foreign policy that touch so deep in the Macedonian heart, I don't expect for it all to be positive, but it's the extra interaction I'm looking for; I'll be here to take the bullets, if needs be. :)

3 comentários:

  1. Pois...acho que tens razão!?
    Gosto muito de te ler mas assim sou obrigada a dizer uma(bacorada)bem ,bem à moda da nossa terra."Porra" porque é que este se lembrou agora de escrever em Inglês?(não há "rabinho" que aguente!)

  2. Vais agora escrever em Inglês? Olha agora essa, em Inglês??? Agora come é que eu te vou entender pá? ahhahaah...
    In all seriousness, i totally agree with your decision to expand your thoughts and criticism,to the very international and versitile language, that is the Inglish language, it will definitely bring a broader participation and discussion to the blog...

  3. Thanks for the comment! ;) De qualquer das formas, eu decidi fechar o tasco deste lado; o Wordpress enche-me mais as medidas. O meu novo blog é andremvale.wordpress.com :)


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